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Meet Angela Adams, Assistant Principal


Meet Angela Adams, Assistant Principal

Posted: March 07, 2024 | Written By: Sharmin Hossain | Category:

Angela Adams

March 1 was Employee Appreciation Day! We're celebrating our team members all month long by sharing their stories. Read more about Angela Adams, Assistant Principal at Rivermont Schools Northern Virginia campus.  

What is your favorite thing about working here? 

My favorite thing about working at Rivermont is the ability to help students and staff, and the freedom/flexibility in how we do so. 

What keeps you coming to work each day? 

There may be an end to our day, but there isn’t an end to our work. Whether it is helping with direct care of students, attending/facilitating meetings, leadership responsibilities, addressing building needs, maintaining safety, etc., the job doesn’t end. I love that each day may present a new need or challenge while also maintaining the consistency of our day-to-day duties. 

How do you make an impact on students’ lives? 

Building relationships and rapport with students is one of the most important ways to positively impact their lives on a personal level. When you have an established relationship, you can make a greater impact on them academically, behaviorally, and socially. I have also emphasized the importance of data collection over the years which is how we can objectively view the impact on students' lives across those same categories. 

Last year, we rolled out our BetterTogether guiding principles. Which one of our values resonates with you most personally and why? (Integrity, Accountable, Collaborative, Inclusive, Supportive) 

Accountability is something that has always been extremely important to me. When there is accountability, people are more inclined to perform to a specific measure either naturally or through coaching. A standard of expectation should be set, made known, and followed up on to achieve and maintain excellence. 

What does a “day in the life” look like for your role? 

A day in the life for my role can look the following: 

  • Creating, entering, editing, scheduling, facilitating an IEP or other meetings 
  • Providing teachers feedback/coaching on lessons, resources, programming, data, etc.
  • Addressing staff and parent concerns 
  • Helping with student programming/materials, needs, crisis, etc. 
  • Reviewing academic data
  • Collaborating with leadership on building-wide decisions 
  • Collaborating with related service or outside service providers associated with current students 
  • Providing tours for potential incoming students 
  • Planning for upcoming meetings/professional development
  • Time sensitive paperwork/documents 

Can you talk a little bit about your career trajectory and what led you to where you are now? 

While a student at Liberty University, I was placed at Rivermont School to complete my student teaching. Prior to this placement, I had limited exposure to Rivermont during practicum hours. I was honestly worried that I’d hate it. After a few weeks in the placement, I knew this was where I was meant to be. I loved the small student to staff ratio, as well as the supportive and collaborative team. The relationships that are built within the classroom at Rivermont are special because it isn’t just an hour class period where students come in, sit down, do some work, and leave. These students come in with challenges, and our goal is to help them pick up their pieces and leave them equipped to handle whatever the future brings. As a teacher, I didn’t have to worry about having 150 students to keep track of. My focus was on the 10 I was entrusted with and got to witness their growth in every year. I wasn’t sure the last time the students entering my classroom had felt successful or excited about school, but my goal was to change that. 

When I finished my student teaching placement, I heard that the Rivermont in Fredericksburg was looking for a teacher, so I applied. After a phone interview, I was offered a position and started in my very first classroom on June 2, 2014. After a few years at the Fredericksburg campus, I transferred to teach at our NOVA school in August of 2017 while I was simultaneously finishing up my master’s degree. I knew that I loved the field of education and wanted to impact Rivermont in a way that was bigger than my classroom. In April of 2018, I applied to be the Assistant Principal at the NOVA school and currently still hold that position. 

What has been your proudest moment or accomplishment in your role? 

I can’t pinpoint one moment or accomplishment, but my aim is to not be stagnant. I want to be a resource in this role to people both in my building and out. Every school year, I try to challenge myself with how I can be different and better this year versus the last. This year I started a book study with my teachers which I’ve received positive feedback from. The teachers appreciate the collaborative community to be honest, open, and productive in a professional and safe space. 

What is something about you that not many people know? 

I love the Philadelphia Phillies and Eagles! 

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