Behavioral and Therapeutic Services
Rivermont Schools provides comprehensive behavioral services, catering to autism and emotional support, and adopts a holistic approach to addressing each student's needs. We achieve this through the seamless integration of various methodologies, including Applied Behavior Analysis, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Counseling, Trauma-Informed Approach, and Social-Emotional Learning. It's important to acknowledge the intricate connection between internal emotions, feelings, and thoughts, which are eventually reflected in outwardly observable behaviors. Conversely, outward behaviors can influence one's emotions, feelings, and thoughts, despite operating in different realms.
Recognizing the unique nature of each student, thorough assessment and discussion with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team helps determine the most suitable behavioral and therapeutic services to provide tailored support to each student.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Integral to our holistic approach at Rivermont Schools is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA applies data-driven interventions to improve socially significant behaviors. We utilize ABA to explore why behaviors occur when addressing a variety of social issues, including facilitating student learning.
Learn More Click to learn more about Applied Behavior Analysis service service.Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Our school-wide positive behavior support program equips students with proactive, data-driven strategies, interventions, and therapeutic behavioral services to foster success. We deliver integrated academic instruction and behavior interventions to students at varying levels of intensity, depending on their individual needs.
Learn More Click to learn more about Multi-Tiered System of Supports service.

Rivermont Schools employ highly qualified and trained counselors who work with students on their emotional and/or social needs, either individually or in small groups. Our School-Based Counseling initiative aims to enhance student participation in their educational programs and overall well-being.
Learn More Click to learn more about Counseling.Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Our schools incorporate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) instruction through evidence-based curricula and capture teachable moments. SEL instruction helps students understand and manage their emotions, establish positive goals, demonstrate empathy for others, and cultivate and maintain positive relationships.
Learn More Click to learn more about Social-Emotional Learning

Trauma Informed Approach
Trauma-informed care represents a shift in focus from merely identifying concerning behaviors to understanding why they occur. This approach entails recognizing the pervasive impact of trauma across all aspects of an individual's life and developing responses to challenging behaviors that prioritize collaboration with the student to ascertain the root cause.
Learn More Click to learn more about Trauma Informed Approach