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Meet Debohra Volmy: Her Journey from Educator to Doctoral Scholar


Meet Debohra Volmy: Her Journey from Educator to Doctoral Scholar

Posted: July 01, 2024 | Written By: Sharmin Hossain | Category:


Meet Debohra Volmy, a teacher at Rivermont Schools Northern Virginia campus. Dr. Volmy graduated from Liberty University receiving her doctoral degree in educational leadership. Her research aimed at improving low parental involvement in the school setting. Balancing her roles as a parent, educator, and student, her resilience and dedication have shaped her into a passionate advocate for education.  

1.What has your journey been like being at Rivermont Schools? 

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve at Rivermont Schools NOVA campus. My journey at Rivermont Schools has been transformative. I have been fortunate to contribute to fostering a positive and supportive school environment, whether through spreading words of kindness and encouragement to both students and my colleagues, or engaging in creative projects. I have found great fulfillment in my role. I extend a special thank you to Mrs. West, our principal, for her belief in my work, which extends beyond serving my students to positively impacting our school community. Working with remarkable individuals and most significantly, serving students from diverse backgrounds, has allowed me to effect meaningful change. 

2. What does a “day in the life” look like for your role? 

As an ABA special education teacher, my daily responsibilities involve cultivating a supportive and engaging environment for students who have diverse learning needs, including those with behavioral challenges. Each day begins with personalized interactions aimed at fostering social and communication skills while focusing on individual communication needs. These interactions are not only a way to encourage social skills developmentally. Following these morning interactions, I focus on addressing individual academic goals with particular attention to areas requiring additional support, such as reading and math. I prioritize hands-on, interactive learning experiences, as I firmly believe in the efficacy of experiential learning for children. Given that my classroom is primarily ABA-based with a vocational focus, I emphasize teaching essential daily life skills, including personal hygiene routines, organizing tasks, cleaning, kitchen maintenance, and mocks job application and interview skills. Students also have access to practical skills training in our life skills room, where they learn tasks such as laundry and food organization. Furthermore, our students actively participate in community-based instruction and volunteer work, which further enhances their skills and overall development. This comprehensive approach to education ensures that each student receives a well-rounded and holistic learning experience. 

3. Can you talk a little bit about your career trajectory and what led you to where you are now? 

First and foremost, I want to express that my son's learning disability has been a profound inspiration for me to pursue a career in special education. Witnessing his challenges motivated me to become a guiding force for him and other children facing similar obstacles. My career in education began with part-time tutoring at a local community center, which eventually led me to reevaluate my academic path. While initially majoring in business, I found my true calling after delving into education courses and subsequently switched my major. Following graduation, I gained diverse experience in the special needs sector, serving in roles such as community-based instructor, employment specialist, self-determination assistant and direct support personnel at group homes. This foundation led me to positions as a Pre-K teacher at a head start program and later as a co-teacher, teaching assistant and special education teacher in various school settings. Eventually, I found my way to Rivermont NOVA, thanks to a recommendation from a former supervisor and now friend, Ms. Carol Young. Her insight and encouragement led me to join the dedicated team at Rivermont NOVA, where I continue to be an advocate for students with special needs and contribute to their growth and development. 

4. What influenced your decision to pursue a doctorate degree? 

The driving force behind my pursuit of a doctoral degree was the profound aspiration to effect meaningful change within the realm of education. I firmly believe that one individual can initiate a movement for the betterment of society. Since childhood, my parents emphasized the significance of education to me and my siblings, instilling the belief that education is the cornerstone of success. I was determined from an early age to pursue the highest level of education. I strongly believe in the transformative power of knowledge, capable of changing the world and making a tangible difference. Consequently, I sought out every opportunity to advance my studies, obtaining my bachelor's, master's, and post-master's degrees before undertaking and successfully completing a doctoral program in education. As the saying goes, "pressure makes diamonds," my personal journey serves as a testament to this sentiment, taking on the immense responsibility of being a full-time doctoral student while balancing the roles of a full-time mother of three and an educator. With my faith in God, unwavering dedication, and perseverance, I've come to realize that anything is achievable. My passion for education continues to drive me to consistently challenge myself. 

5.What are you getting your doctorate degree in and what does your research focus on? 

My doctoral degree is in educational leadership, and I conducted research aimed at improving low parental involvement in the school setting. The primary motivation for this study stemmed from the crucial relationship between parental involvement and student academic achievement within the classroom. Family involvement plays a pivotal role in the academic success of students. Consequently, the benefits of increased parental engagement are indisputable and imperative for enhancing students' academic performance in the educational context. This research employed a comprehensive approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The methodologies included interviews, quantitative surveys, and document analysis. Through these methods, three key themes emerged: parent support, collaboration, and academic achievement. The theme of parent support underscored the significance of fostering an environment where parents feel supported in their involvement in their child's academic journey. Collaboration emerged as another crucial theme, emphasizing the importance of forging strong partnerships between the school and parents to cultivate a healthy and supportive school community. Lastly, the theme of academic achievement highlighted the necessity of offering tailored instruction in the classroom to ensure academic success and foster a positive and supportive learning environment conducive to developing positive behaviors and meaningful student-teacher relationships. 

 6. How has your academic experience been in graduate school? 

My experience at graduate school has been an exercise in perseverance and personal development. I encountered challenges that required me to push myself beyond my comfort zone. Navigating the rigorous academic journey often felt akin to running a marathon, wherein pacing myself was imperative for reaching the finish line. While the challenges were formidable, they served as catalysts for my growth as a professional and an individual. Self-reflection and periodic re-evaluation were essential components of this transformative process. Throughout this journey, I leveraged the invaluable support of my family, close friends, and, most crucially, my faith, which provided me with grounding and strength. This robust support system was instrumental in enabling me to successfully complete my doctoral studies. This experience has underscored the significance of resilience in the face of adversity. Embracing these challenges has unequivocally contributed to my current formative development.

7. Howhas it been tackling your role at Rivermont Schools and getting your doctorate degree? 

As previously mentioned, the entirety of my experience seemed akin to participating in a marathon, contingent upon the extent to which I challenged myself. I am profoundly grateful for the robust support system that encompasses my personal life. Managing the intricacies of being a full-time mother of three, an educator, and a student has taught me invaluable life skills. It has undoubtedly rendered this journey profoundly meaningful, one that will indelibly mark my life. I end with this beautiful quote about life: 

“My mission in life is not to merely to survive but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” 

-Maya Angelou